Renana Aldor, Aniam Dery, Yoav Fisch, Adva Goldstone, Polina Kitainik, Tohar Lev Jacobson, Shabtai Pinchevsky
The New Gallery, Artist's Studios Teddy, Jerusalem
Installation photos: Dor Kedmi
Exhibition View
Exhibition View
Yoav Fisch, Review, 2018, concrete, iron, concrete drawings on paper
Yoav Fisch, Review, 2018, detail
Exhibition View
Polina Kitainik, Anthozoa (Living Flower), 2018, artificial plants, glue, puppy seeds, video
Aniam Dery, Wait for me Beloved, While I Dress, 2018, plaster, masking tape, found objects, graphite, photography and sound
Aniam Dery, Wait for me Beloved, While I Dress, 2018, detail
Aniam Dery, Wait for me Beloved, While I Dress, 2018, detail
Aniam Dery, Wait for me Beloved, While I Dress, 2018, detail
Renana Aldor, Blind Spot, 2018, single-channel video and animation, 6:00 min.
Shabtai Pinchevsky, Landscape in Continuum, 2018, photographs, maps, collage based archive
Shabtai Pinchevsky, Landscape in Continuum, 2018, detail
Website designed and built by Sasha Tamarin